Virtual Campus


EBSCOEBSCO’s databases offer a variety of scholarly sources, by using one simplified platform to search across several high-quality databases, for example, ERIC, Education Source, Africa-Wide, and Academic Search Premier.


Z/LIBRARYE-Books Downloads. Part of Z-Library project. The world’s largest eBook library
ZLIBE-Books Downloads
Library GenesisE-Books Downloads in various fields of study. The world’s largest eBooks library
IEEE XploreIEEE Xplore is a research database providing access to an array of sources linked to more technical fields in the engineering and computer science domains.

IEEE Xplore Digital Library

ProQuest DatabasesProQuest provides a central database to an ample and diverse collection of multidisciplinary and multimedia academic sources.

ProQuest Central

ResearchGateResearchGate is a social networking site for researchers and scientists with its own internal database of scholarly articles and knowledge sharing and collaboration platforms.


SabinetSabinet exclusively contains South African Journals, previously known as SA ePublications collection, which makes it the most wide-ranging African electronic content searchable collection.

WorldShare Metadata Service

ScienceDirectScienceDirect published by Elsevier is a database for scientific, medical and technical research and provides access to journals, open access journals and books.


ScopusScopus from Elsevier is one of the largest scholarly peer-reviewed literature, citation and abstract databases, comprising of: scientific journals, conference proceedings and books.


SpringerLinkSpringerLink is a combined database for a variety of full-text academic sources published by Springer.


Taylor & Francis JournalsThe Taylor & Francis Group provide access to all full-text academic sources published by Taylor & Francis and Routledge.

Taylor & Francis Online

EmeraldEmerald is a multidisciplinary global publisher hosting a comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed academic sources.

Emerald Insigh