Virtual Campus
EBSCO | EBSCO’s databases offer a variety of scholarly sources, by using one simplified platform to search across several high-quality databases, for example, ERIC, Education Source, Africa-Wide, and Academic Search Premier. | EBSCO Host |
Z/LIBRARY | E-Books Downloads. Part of Z-Library project. The world’s largest eBook library | |
ZLIB | E-Books Downloads | |
Library Genesis | E-Books Downloads in various fields of study. The world’s largest eBooks library | |
IEEE Xplore | IEEE Xplore is a research database providing access to an array of sources linked to more technical fields in the engineering and computer science domains. | IEEE Xplore Digital Library |
ProQuest Databases | ProQuest provides a central database to an ample and diverse collection of multidisciplinary and multimedia academic sources. | ProQuest Central |
ResearchGate | ResearchGate is a social networking site for researchers and scientists with its own internal database of scholarly articles and knowledge sharing and collaboration platforms. | ResearchGate |
Sabinet | Sabinet exclusively contains South African Journals, previously known as SA ePublications collection, which makes it the most wide-ranging African electronic content searchable collection. | WorldShare Metadata Service |
ScienceDirect | ScienceDirect published by Elsevier is a database for scientific, medical and technical research and provides access to journals, open access journals and books. | ScienceDirect |
Scopus | Scopus from Elsevier is one of the largest scholarly peer-reviewed literature, citation and abstract databases, comprising of: scientific journals, conference proceedings and books. | Scopus |
SpringerLink | SpringerLink is a combined database for a variety of full-text academic sources published by Springer. | SpringerLink |
Taylor & Francis Journals | The Taylor & Francis Group provide access to all full-text academic sources published by Taylor & Francis and Routledge. | Taylor & Francis Online |
Emerald | Emerald is a multidisciplinary global publisher hosting a comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed academic sources. | Emerald Insigh |