Public Short Training Programs


Accounting Compliance for Government Contractors
Accounting for Managerial Decision Making
Auditing for Internal Fraud
Conducting Internal Financial Investigations
Detecting and Investigating Public Sector Accounting Frauds
Finance for Non-Finance Professionals
Public Financial Management
International Public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) Fundamentals
Public Sector Risk Management and Internal Audit
Understanding and Analysing Financial Statements

Accounting and Auditing for Public Sector Organizations
Auditing of State Owned Enterprises
Bank Accounts Control and Statements Reconciliation
Book Keeping and Accounting
Budgeting and Budgetary Control
Cash Flow, Budget and Budgetary Control
Computerized Public Sector Financial Management
Corporate Finance & Treasury Management
Costing, Cost Modelling and Pricing in Competitive Markets
Effective Costing, Cash Flow Management and Budgetary Control
Effective Debt Collection and Credit Control Management
Evaluating Financial Performance
Finance for Non-Finance Professionals
Financial Performance Management for Public Sector Organizations
Forensic Accounting, Auditing and Investigation
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Interpretation of the State Finance Act and Treasury instruction
Pastel Accounting
Project Cost Accounting & Finance
Public Sector Financial Management and Control
Tax Strategy, Planning and Compliance
Understanding and Analysing Financial Statements

Administration and Office Management: Best Practices and Technologies
Assets Management
Basic Secretarial and Receptionist Skills
Business Report Writing and Minutes Taking
Business Writing for Administrative Professionals
Communication, Minutes Taking, Report Writing & Presentations Skills
Computer-Based Office Administration and Organization
Computerized Information Management and Records Management
Corporate Etiquette and Professional Image
Crisis Management and Communication Skills
Effective Administration Skills for Secretaries
Effective Office Management and Administration Skills
Effectiveness Telephone Etiquette
E-Records Management
Excellent Work Ethics and Professionalism Skills
Executive Administration Skills for PAs and Secretaries
Executive Secretarial Skills
Health and Safety Skills at workplace
How to Communicate with Diplomacy, Tact and Credibility
Information Management: Filling and Records Management
Meeting Procedures, Professional Minute Taking and Report Writing Skills
Organizing Your Work: New Techniques for Administrative Professionals
Partnering with Your Boss: Strategic Skills for Administrative Professionals
Professional Cleaning & Hygiene Practices and Procedures
Professional Receptionist Skills
Professional Secretarial Skills
Protocol Procedures and Diplomatic Etiquette
Protocol Skills for Drivers and Administrators
Reception, Switchboard and Telephone Etiquette
Running Effective Meetings
Time and Stress Management

Becoming a Polished Public Speaker
Body Language Basics for Managers: How to Read Your Employees’ Nonverbal Signals
Building Better Work Relationships: New Techniques for Results-Oriented Communication
Building Commitment through Superior Communication
Building Trust through effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Communication and Emotional Intelligence Skills
Corporate Etiquette and Professional Image
Crisis Management and Communication
Customer Care Excellence through Professional Phone Etiquette
Effective Communication and Presentation Skills
Effective Communication for Better Workplace Efficiency
Effectiveness and Telephone Etiquette
English Business Writing Skills
How to Communicate with Diplomacy, Tact and Credibility
Influential Communication strategies that attract and with followers’ loyalty
Leadership Communication Strategies
The Art of Negotiating and Persuasion to win at Work

Advocacy and Lobbying Skills: For Community & Health related issues
Agricultural Extension and Community Development
Basic Life Support for Community Development, Security and Safety
Behavior Change and Communication
Building Urban & Rural Partnerships in SADC Development Programmes
Capacity Development: Building a Successful Non-Governmental Community
Climate Change: Effects on Land, People and General Natural Environment
Community and Rural Leadership and Administration
Community Development Projects Proposals
Community Development, Participation and Accountability
Community Health and Well Being
Community Health Systems: Strengthening Management & Leadership
Community Practical Project Management and Sustainability
Conflict Management and Resolution in Rural Communities
Conflict Management and sustainable leadership in Rural communities
Developing self-initiative employment schemes for Rural & Community Development
Empowering and Developing Communities
Enhancing community based natural resource management
Environmental Conservation: Integration of Human and Wildlife
Gender Policy Analysis, Planning and Development
Growing home strategies: Integrating agriculture into community development
Initiating, Implementing, Monitoring & Evaluating Community Based Projects
Leadership and Management in Community Development Programmes
Management of Rural Development Programmes
Managing Water Resources in Rural communities
Monitoring and Evaluation for Successful Programmes and Projects
Renewable Energy for Community Development
Rural Areas Community Health Systems Strengthening
Rural Entrepreneurship & Small Business Survival
Sexual Reproductive Health
Strengthening Community Leadership Capacity for Sustainable Resource Management
Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Sustainable Tourism and the Environment

Builders Estimating & Pricing
Building Material Procurement & Planning
Building Site & Admin Contracting
Building Specifications
Construction Technology
Drafting and Reading Architectural Drawings
Economics and Finance in Construction and Civil Engineering
Health, Safety and Welfare in Construction and the Built Environment
Improving Construction Quality & Production
Introduction to Supervision of Building Construction
Measuring, Estimating and Tendering Process in the Construction and Built Environment
Project Management in Construction and the Built Environment
Tendering Skills for Construction Projects
The Estimation, Tendering Process, Tendering & Bill of quantities in Construction

Best Practices in Public Service Delivery
Change and Crisis Management and Leadership
Collaborative Leadership Skills for Public Service
Corporate Governance: Effectiveness and Accountability in the Boardroom
Effective Management, Leadership and Governance Skills
Enhancing Leadership and Policy Implementation in the Public Sector
Enhancing Service Delivery through Local Government Leadership Good Corporate Governance
Governance, Ethics, Transparency and Anti-Corruption Skills
Leadership and Team Development for Managerial Success
Public Sector Governance and Budgetary Practices
Realizing Visions and Missions: The Leadership Challenges
Supervisory, Leadership & Management Skills
The Voice of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire, Influence and Achieve Results
Transformational Leadership: How to Inspire Extraordinary Performance

Become an extra-ordinary Thinker and Problem Solver
Become an extra-ordinary Thinker and Problem Solver
Creative Brainstorming Techniques using Mind Maps
Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making
Critical and Creative Thinking
Out-of-the-box Thinking and Problem Solving
Unleash the Innovation Champion in You

Achieving Personal Breakthrough and Sustained Success – ONLY YOU!
Assertiveness Techniques and Approaches
Assertiveness Training for Managers
Birds of Different Feathers can Flock Together
Boosting Productivity through Mind-set Change
Brain Boost Your Memory at the Workplace
Conflict Resolution & Management Skills
Dealing with difficult people
Doing Your Job and Enjoying it
Effective Time and Stress Management at Workplace
EQ Skills for Team Leaders and Managers
Even Eagles Need a Push
Exceed Your Speed Limit with Brain Smart Reading Techniques
Excellent People Skills at Work
It’s Not My Job: Attitude Change
Leveraging EQ for Professional Excellence
Managing Anger at Work
Personal Branding and You
Root Cause Analysis
Taking Initiative
Total Quality Management (TQM)
Using Emotional Intelligence to Manage Oneself and Others at Workplace

Architectural Draughting
Basic Electronical Safety
Business Operations in Engineering
Commercial Aspects of Engineering Organizations
Communications for Engineering Technicians
Computer Aided Drafting in Engineering
Health and Safety in the Engineering Workplace
Principle of Finance for Consulting Engineers
Six Sigma Quality
Teamwork in a Continuous Improvement Environment

Accessing Finance for projects
Business Model Innovation & Entrepreneurial Strategy
Business Plan Compilation
Business Start-up and Entrepreneurship
Business Writing Skills
Competitive Strategy
Creating and Leading a Culture of Innovation
Distribution Channel Management: Creating Go-to-Market Growth Strategies
Effective Capital Management and Maximizing of Returns
Enterprise and the Environment
Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
Entrepreneurship in unstable Market Conditions
Entrepreneurship: Solving Societal Problems Using Innovative Business Models
Executive Entrepreneurship Programme
Generating New Ideas: We lead and others copy from us
Globalizing your business – how to entre foreign country markets
Goal Setting to achieve your business dreams
Governing Family Enterprises
Growing and Protecting your Business during difficult business times
How to prepare Bankable Business Plans
How to stand out of the ordinary Entrepreneurs
Innovating New Products and Services to beat your competitors
Investigating Entrepreneurial & Investment Opportunities
Managing Innovations and Creating Innovative Business Models
Opportunities Identification and Analysis: The Strengths of an Eagle
Stand out in a Cloud of Ordinary Entrepreneurs to get the Returns On Investment
Strategic Entrepreneurship
Tenders and Proposals Writing
Venture Capital, Private Equity and Hedge Funds
Women Entrepreneurship Programme

Agribusiness and Post-Harvest Management
Agricultural Environmental Management for Sustainable Food Production
Agricultural Project Planning, Implementation and Control
Climate Change Management
Community Food Security and Agriculture Development
Community Management for Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation
Effective Water Usage and Technology in Dry lands
Emergency Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation
Environmental Monitoring in the Agriculture Sector
Farm Planning and Management
Financing Agriculture Projects for Sustainability
Horticulture for Food Security
Implementing and Sustaining Food Security
Irrigation and Intensive Crop Management programme
Livestock- Technology and Farm Management
Planning of Investment Projects in the Agriculture Sector
Strategic Sustainable Energy Planning
Strategic Water Planning
Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation
Underground Environment Management and Control
Water Supply Management for Food Production

Accidents prevention and Emergency Procedures
Caring for Individuals with Additional Needs
Defence against Disease
Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care
Drivers’ Fatigue Management
Effective Psychology Guidance and Counselling
Environmental Health and Social Care
Fire Fighting and Loss Prevention
First Aid in the Workplace
Food Safety and Health Eating Guidelines
Hazardous Materials Handling
Health and Safety in a Construction Environment
Health and Safety Management in the Workplace
Health and Wellness Programme
Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care
Hospital Administration and Management
Infection Prevention and Control
Introduction to Counselling Skills for Health and Social Care Settings
Managing Occupational Health and Safety
Nutrition for Health and Social Care
Responding to Emergency Service Incidents
Working with Medication in Health and Social Care

Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures
Competency-Based Recruitment
Conducting an Effective Training Needs Analysis
Developing a Disciplined and Self Motivated Team
Developing an Employee Engagement Strategy
Effective Disciplinary Hearing and Misconduct in the Public Sector
Effective HR Policies and Procedures Implementation
Effective Human Resources Counselling
Effective Performance Management for Public Service
Effective Performance Management for State Owned Enterprises and Private Sector
Employee Counselling and Grievance Handling
Employee Training and Personal Development
Fair, Square, and Legal: A Manager’s Guide to Safe Hiring, Managing, and Firing Practices
Handling Complaints & Grievances
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Risk and Governance
Industrial Relations Management
Interview and Selection Skills
Labour Act and its Practical Application
Labour Relations in the Public Sector
Managing Poor Performance, Absence and Stress
Managing Retrenchments and Layoffs
Measuring the Effectiveness of HR
Measuring, Managing and Maintaining Employee Engagement
Mediation, Grievance and Evaluation Techniques
Organisational Strategies for Effective HR Management and Development
Recruiting & Retaining Productive Employees
Recruitment Using Social Media
Staff Absence Management
Staff Performance, Appraisal and Evaluation Technique
Strategic Human Resources Management
Talent Acquisition, Management and Succession Planning
Training for Trainers and Personal Development Plans
Training Needs analysis and Staff Personal Development Plans
Understanding and drawing effective HR policies and Procedures
Understanding, Drawing and Using Employment Contracts that conform with the Labour Act

Basic and Intermediate Professional Microsoft Office (2010 & 2013)
Computer and Network Forensics
Core Essentials – MS PowerPoint
Core Essentials – MS Project
Data Management Analytics with Pivot Tables (Excel 2010)
Data Management Analytics with Pivot Tables (Excel 2013)
Data Recovery Fundamentals
Database Management Systems and Techniques
Database Security: How to secure your data
Digital Crime Investigation
E-Banking Security: A global implementation from a Namibia perspective
Effective Basics to Intermediate AutoCAD 2D&3D Skills
Effective Cyber Crime and Information Security
E-Records Management
Handling Digital Evidence: Bringing Cyber Criminals to Justice
Information and Cyber Security
Information Systems Auditing and Security
Information Technology Governance
Introduction to Operating Systems
Introduction to System and Network Security
Microsoft Excel 2010 – Level 1 Essentials
Microsoft Excel 2010 – Level 2 Advanced
Microsoft Excel 2010 – Level 3 Beyond Advance
Microsoft Excel 2010 – Level 4 Charting Techniques
Microsoft Excel 2010 – Level 5 (Introduction to Excel VBA)
Microsoft Excel 2013 – Level 1 Essentials
Microsoft Excel 2013 – Level 2 Advanced
Microsoft Excel 2013 – Level 3 Beyond Advanced
Microsoft Excel 2013 – Level 4 Charting Techniques
Microsoft Excel 2013 – Level 5 (Introduction to Excel VBA)
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 – Level 1 Essentials
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 – Level 2 Advanced
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 – Level 1 Essentials
Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 – Level 2 Advanced
Microsoft Word 2013 – Level 1 Essentials
Microsoft Word 2013 – Level 2 Advanced
Network Security Administration and Management
PC Configuration and Troubleshooting
Security Management Practices
Website Development and Management
Window operating and Systems
Windows Server Administration and Management

Contract Law Management & Tendering
Contract Preparation, Strategy and Management
Fundamentals of Contract Law
Fundamentals of Contract Law
Legal and advisory skills development
Legal Aspects of Procurement
Managing Contracts and Relationships in Procurement and Supply
Managing Tenders Specifications & Contracts
Practical Implementation and Monitoring of Contracts
Understand Business and Commercial Law

Branding Strategies that produce sustainable return on investment
Building a Customer-Focused Service Team
Business Analysis for Marketing Managers
Business Growth, Recovery and Turnaround Strategy
Business Innovation: Taking Unique Ideas to the Market
Business Networking for Exceptional Success
Closing Difficulty Sales Deals
Communication and Negotiation Skills
Corporate Communications & Public Relations
Creating a Sustainable Customer Care Corporate Culture
Creative Media Production
Customer Acquisition and Competitor Blocking Strategies
Designing and Implementing a Market Research Project
Designing Marketing Plan for Competitive Advantage
Developing & Implementing a Customer Retention Program
Developing Winning Bids and Proposals
Effective Negotiation Skills
Effective Selling Skills that keep on bringing sales revenues
Effective Telemarketing Techniques
E-mail Marketing
Exceptional Customer Service
Fundamentals of Building Strong Brands
Fundamentals of Marketing and Selling
Fundamentals of Marketing Business to Business (B2B)
Fundamentals of Marketing for Public Sector
Fundamentals of Pricing Strategies
Fundamentals of Product Management
Handling Difficult Customers and Complaints
How to Create A Blog That’s A Customer Magnet
How to Write and Design Effective Brochures
How to Write for the Web
Implementing Social Media Strategy
Integrated Marketing Communications
Key Account Development & Management
Managing Expectations of Internal and External Customers
Market and Sales Forecasting
Marketing and Sales Management
Marketing for Non-Marketing Professionals
Marketing Metrics: Measuring Marketing Performance
Marketing Strategies for Business Sustainability
Selling skills-A Practical Guide
Social Media – A Practical Guide
Strategic Marketing for Competitive Advantage
Telephone Selling Skills
Understanding Customers Decision Making Process
Understanding the Fundamentals of Internet Marketing
Winning Customers with Relationship Marketing
Writing an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

Claims Handling for Brokers
Claims Management
Community-Based Microfinance for Financial Institutions
Corporate Finance and Treasury Management
Exploring Real Estate Investment Opportunities
Finance for Insurance Professionals
Financial Analysis and Investment
Financial Derivative Securities Trading
Financial Security and Low Risk Financial Markets
Forecasting Movements in Financial Markets
Fundamentals of Reinsurance
Fundamentals of Transfer Pricing – Planning and Control
Identification and Capitalization of Distressed Loans
Introduction to Insurance
Investment and Portfolio Analysis
Investment Appraisal in Practice- Introduction
Investment Banking
Key Aspects of the Money Laundering Regulation
Managing an Underwriting Portfolio
Managing Mergers and Acquisitions, Liquidations and Managing buyouts
Marine Cargo and Goods in Transit Insurance
Motor Insurance
Political Risks Insurance
Portfolio Management in a Fast Changing Financial Market
Property Insurance
Raising Debt Finance – Issuing Bonds and Fixed Income
Real Estate Investment
Risk management for Insurers
Roles of the Broker
Treasury – Introduction
Understanding the Financial Market for better Investment Decisions
Underwriting Risk Assessment
Venture Capital and Private Equity – Introduction

An Overview of Parliament and Legislative Process
Best Practices in Public Service Delivery
Citizenship, Diversity and the Public Services
Communication and Technology in the Uniformed Public Services
Conflict Resolution, Transformation and Peacebuilding
Crime Prevention and Safety: Enhancing Safety for Human Inhabitancy, Investment & Tourism
Current and Media Affairs in Public Services
Enhancing Public Service Delivery through the Use of ICT
Environmental Policies and Practices
Financial Performance Management for Public Services
Leadership and Teamwork in the Public Services
Leadership, Good Governance & Financial Management in the Public Services
Lobbying the International Funding: Access and Influence
Media Handling for Political Leaders
Models of Public Service Delivery
Management and Leadership Skills for Political Office Bearers
Management of Electoral Processes
Parliament and Governance
Professional Work of the Parliamentary Committees
Professional Work of Public Accounts Committees
Politicians’ Professionalism, Responsibility and Accountability
Professional Strategic Innovation for Political Office Bearers
Parliamentary Practices and Procedures
Public Speaking: Persuading and Influencing
Persuasive Writing Skills
Policy Implementation and Evaluation
Reading Legislation
Prevention of Political Corruption and Fraud Practices
Professionalism and Leadership Ethics for Politicians
Protocol Skills for Politicians and Public Office Bearers
Public engagement in policy making
Public Private Partnerships in Southern African Countries
Public Sector Governance and Budgetary Practices
Re-Inventing Government Challenges of Implementing Reforms in Public Sector
Speed Reading Techniques for Politicians
Strategic Climate Change Adaptation
Strategic Education Planning
Strategic Food Security Planning
Strategic Gender Equity Planning
Strategic Health Planning
Strategic Migration Management
Strategic Public Administration
Strategic Policy Planning and Formulation
Emergency and Disaster Management
Understanding Ethics and Discipline in the Uniformed Public Services

Best Modern Practices in Logistics and Procurement
Best Practices in Managing Procurement
Bid and Tendering Management
Building High Performance Supply Chains
Buying from Abroad
Contract Cost and Price Analysis: A Realistic Approach for Buyers and Sellers
Contract Drafting, Negotiation Skills and Procurement
Contract Preparation and Management
Cost Reduction Techniques for Effective Procurement
E- Procurement Management – Strategies for Success
Effective Fleet and Transport Management
Effective Procurement Management
Effective Project Procurement Management
Effective Stock Control
Effective Stores & Warehouse Operations & Management
Effective Stores Management and Operations
Effective Tendering & Supplier Relationship Management
Effective Wholesaling, Warehousing and Stores Management
E-Procurement: How to Develop and Run an Effective e-procurement Process
Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management
Health & Safety Essential for Procurement & Stores
How to Reduce Inventory Levels and costs – Practical Solutions
Import & Export Operations
Improving Procurement Performance
International Sourcing and Procurement
Introduction to Contract Law for Buyers
Introduction to Negotiation Skills for Procurement Practitioners
Legal Aspects of Procurement
Logistics and Transport Management
Managing Contracts and Relationships in Procurement and Supply
Managing Procurement Risks
Managing Tenders Specifications & Contracts
Negotiating and Contracting in Procurement and Supply
New Approaches to Measuring Purchasing Performance
Practical Contract Management – Getting the Results
Procurement of Capital Equipment
Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain for the Public Service
Stores & Inventory Management
Tendering Procedures and Bid Evaluations
Transportation and Fleet Management Strategies for the Public Service

Professionalism and Work Ethics for Accountants
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Customer Care Practitioners
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Health Care Practitioners
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Human Resource Manager
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Managers/Supervisors
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Marketing Practitioners
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Office Administrators
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Politicians
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Sales Representatives
Professionalism and Work Ethics for Secretaries and Administrators

Basics and Intermediate Projects Skills
Best Practices for the Multi-Project Manager
Construction Project Management
Effective Project Management
Managing Multiple Projects
Project Communications Management
Project Cost Estimation and Pricing
Project Estimating and Tendering
Project Management and Tendering
Project Management for Non-Project Managers
Project Monitoring and Evaluation
Project Planning, Execution, Monitoring & Evaluation
Project Portfolio Management
Project Proposal Writing & Fund Raising
Project Risk Management
Project Team Building Management
Project Team Leadership: Building Commitment through Superior Communication
Town Planning and Project Management

Applied Research Methodology
Basic Research Methodology
Conducting Successful Research Projects
Designing and Implementing a Market Research Project
Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research
Research Methodology

Analysing Written Statements for Detection of Fraud
Anti-Money Laundering in the Digital Currency Environment
Beyond the Numbers: Professional Interviewing Techniques
Bribery in Government Transactions
Conducting Internal Investigations
Construction Fraud & Corruption: Detecting, Controlling and Auditing
Contract and Procurement Corruption & Fraud Prevention Strategies
Corporate Corruption & Fraud Analysis and Prevention
Corporate Governance for Fraud Prevention
Detecting and preventing Government Fraud & Corruption
Effective Internal Controls to Prevent and Detect Fraud & Corruption
Financial Investigations for Non-Financial Professionals
Financial Risk Management
Finding the Truth: Effective Interviews Techniques for Detection of Fraud
Follow the Money: Tracing Concealed Assets
Fraud Risk Management
Fundamentals of Computer and Internet Fraud
How to Detect and Prevent Financial Statement Fraud
Internal Controls for Data Security and Fraud Prevention
International Financial Reporting Standards for Financial Statement Fraud
Interviewing Witnesses and Suspects of Corruption and Fraud Cases
Preventing and Detecting Financial Institution Fraud
Preventing and Detecting Procurement Fraud & Corruption
Preventing Corruption in Health Programs
Reading and understanding the Fraudster’s Inside Mind
Recovering the Proceeds of Fraud & Corruption
Safeguarding Your Organisation against Fraud & Corruption

Achieving your performance goals: How to Stay Focused and Engaged
Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving
Basic Supervisory, Management and Leadership Development
Business Analysis Essentials
Change and Crises Management
Collaborative Leadership Skills
Conflict Management for Leaders (Directors, Managers & Supervisors)
Create a Respectful Workplace: Improve Morale, Increase Productivity and Achieve Business Goals
Creating a High Performing Team
Creativity and Innovation: Unleash Your Potential for Greater Success
Critical Decision Making: Strategies for Getting it Right
Critical Problem Solving and Decision Making: You must solve it by deciding!
Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision Making
Delivering through others: Getting Goals and achieved done through your staff team
Design and Implementation of Performance Management Systems
Effective Communication for Managers
Effective Team Leadership
Essential Managerial Skills
Fundamentals of Analysis and Forecasting
Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers
Fundamentals of Strategic Thinking and Planning
Handling Corporate Customer’s Complaints
Improve Your Analytical Skills: Making Information Work for You
Increase performance through implementing corporate culture
Lead Your Team with Confidence
Leading and Managing Organisational Change
Leading High Performance Teams
Leading with ethics and compliance
Making the Transition from Staff Member to Supervisor
Management Reporting and Analysis: Key Organizational Performance Indicators
Management Skills for Administrative Professionals
Management Skills for New Managers and Supervisors
Managing Business Performance Improvement and Turnaround
Managing Chaos: Tools to Set Priorities and Make Decisions Under Pressure
Managing Difficult Conversations
Managing Your Professional Image and Building a Personal Brand
Motivating and Managing Teams
Moving from an Operational Manager to a Strategic Leader
Office Administration Management for Executives and Managers
Performance Management and Setting KPIs for Business Results
Quality Management and Productivity
Strategic Agility and Resilience: Embracing Change to Drive Growth
Strategic Workforce Planning: Defining and Fulfilling Business Requirements
Strategies for Developing Effective Presentation Skills for Managers
Strategy Execution: Getting It Done
Succession Planning: Developing Leaders from Within
Supervisory and Leadership Skills
Supervisory Skills for the New Supervisor
Supervisory Skills that produce results
Team Building & Stress Management
Team Management Skills
The Confident & Effective Leader
The Key Habits Leader Implementation: Coaching Your Team to Higher Performance
Understanding Behaviour Styles for Improved Relationships
Winning with Difficult People

Bond and Rebate Store Management
Container Management Skills
Customs Clearing and Compliance
Customs Valuation, Duties and VAT
Effective Port Operations Management
Essential Export and Import Skills
Estimating Freight and Logistics Costs
Fleet and Transport Management (Generic)
Handling Exports Documentation for Surface, Marine and Air freight
Handling Perishable Goods
Handling Transporting Dangerous Goods by Road
International Trade Documentation
Inventory Control Techniques
Logistics and Transport
Managing Road Transport Fleets
Managing the Corporate Transport Function
Marine Cargo Insurance
Maritime and Port Security
Planning and Executing and Import & Export Transaction
Professional Competence for Transport Managers
Reducing Risk in your Road Transport
Road Accidents Prevention skills
Road Safety Audits: Good Principles and Good Practice
Strategic Public Transport Planning
Successful Planning Applications for Transport Practitioners
The modelling of junctions, road networks and public transport systems
Transport and Road Safety
Transport Infrastructure Management for Senior Executives
Transport Management for Operational Supervisors
Understanding Incoterms and their application in International Trade
Understanding, Classification and applications of Tariffs

Energy Management Informatics for Sustainability of Environment and Industries
Hazardous Waste Management and Pollution Prevention
Natural resources Development and Environment Protection
Pollution and control management
Principles of Wildlife Populations, Ecology and Conservation
Solid Waste Management
Thermal Treatment of Municipal Waste
Waste Management


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