Our Accreditation and Registrations
Our Accreditation and Registrations
The Marvelous University of Technology and Applied Sciences was established in 2022 in accordance with the Companies Act No. 10 of 2017 and the Higher Education Act No. 4 of 2013 to provide a wide range of quality technology-led technical and professional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) degree programs to effectively contribute towards the increased efficiency of the industry and the development of the economy.
The University is also registered with the following statutory bodies; ZRA, NAPSA, NIMAS and the Workers Compensation Fund.
The Marvelous University of Technology and Applied Sciences (MUTAS) was established as a strategic business unit of the National Institute of Technology (NIT) located in Namibia in 2022. MUTAS recently applied for accreditation of its eighteen (18) Bachelor of Technology Degree programs with the Higher Education Authority (HEA).
The MUTAS’ holding institution, National Institute of Technology, is fully accredited by the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) and registered with the Engineering Council of Namibia (ECN). This accreditation status allows the Marvelous University of Technology and Applied Sciences to enroll students from all the parts of the world including Zambia to pursue the currently accredited NIT programs.