
With over 700 courses, learn about the application process for your course program of interest.

Completion of Study Enrolment Form

Download and complete the Student’s Enrolment Agreement (SEA) form or obtain one from our Call Centre at any of our Campuses, print and complete it and submit it with proof of payment for the stipulated registration fees together to any of our Campuses before the stipulated application deadlines to avoid paying late application/registration fees. To be considered for approval, the completed enrolment agreement form must be accompanied by certified copies of documents as stipulated on the Student’s Enrolment Agreement (SEA) form.

Applicant must ensure that:

How to apply to MUTAS

Application forms can be downloaded from the MUTAS website: or the NIT website: You may also apply online by going to, click on the apply tab, then click on apply now, and follow the easy application process.
Checking the progress of your application

You can track the progress of your application by going to and enter your MUTAS number, or sending an email to or call +260 970 145 501/2/4.

When can I apply?

NIT has a whole year circle of accepting new applications from students from all over the world. However, please take note that applications for the First Semester which starts in January/February each year are only considered up to March of each year. This period includes late registration. Unsuccessful applications for First Semester and applications that are received late are considered for the Second Semester which starts in July each year.

The following are two (2) annual teaching and learning intakes for students to register to study on this program at NIT:

  • January/February – June
  • June/July – November

Applications must be made in-time to avoid late registration fees and to be disappointed if spaces are allocated to earlier applicants.

Checking the progress of your application

You can track the progress of your application by going to and enter your MUTAS number, or sending an email to or call +260 970 145 501/2/4.

Important Contact E-mails:

School of Applied Engineering, Innovation and Technology or

School of Applied Business, Innovation and Management or

School of Applied Health, Innovation and Sciences or

School of Applied Education, Training & Innovation or

School of Applied Agriculture and Animal Management

Applications submitted late attract a late application fee determined by the Students Recruitment and Admissions Committee.


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